Dental Emergencies And How To Avoid Them - Magnolia Dental

Dental emergencies can often be unpredictable. The best way we can treat this is to prevent this from happening. However, sometimes dental emergencies happen despite taking certain precautions. At Magnolia Dental, we understand the importance of providing urgent dental care as soon as possible. In this blog, our experienced dentist, Dr. Bajaj wants you all to know about the most common dental emergencies that we see in our regular practice. Also, we will provide emergency dental services in Waterdown and essential tips on how to avoid them while ensuring a healthy smile.

Common Dental Emergencies: 

  • Broken teeth: Apply a gauze piece to the affected area and keep it there for 10 minutes. Keep those broken pieces in a safe place. In the meantime, avoid biting down on the broken teeth. Avoid removing any excess tissues attached to it. Applying cold compression outside the mouth, cheek, or lip is helpful to reduce swelling. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm saline water while you wait for the dental appointment.  

  •  Tooth decay: Mild to moderate tooth decay results in extensive cavities if left untreated. The pulp inside the tooth starts dying, indicating the spread of the bacteria. This will eventually lead to toothache. While biting, chewing, and consuming hot and cold foods you may experience sensitivity. This also suggests the presence of tooth decay which needs immediate attention.  

  • Abscess: A bacterial infection causes pus or abscess. This is a medical emergency that requires medical attention right away. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help in managing pain. 

  • Tooth sensitivity: It is not necessarily considered a dental emergency. However, if the pain and discomfort last for more than a few days, this may turn into a significant condition that needs immediate attention.  

  • Avulsed tooth: A knocked out or avulsed tooth is a dental emergency that should be treated right away. Retrieve the tooth and rinse it off before putting it back into the socket. Our emergency dentists in Waterdown will help you to implant the teeth if possible. 

Essential tips you should know on avoiding dental emergencies:

  • Visit your nearest dental office: You can visit our Magnolia Dental office at Waterdown to treat any kind of dental emergency. Regular dental visits will help to evaluate your potential oral health issues and detect them early on. Regular dental cleanings help in the removal of plaque, and tartar removed from the surface of your teeth. Hence this reduces the risk of developing dental problems turning into a dental emergency. 

  • Be watchful of your diet: Avoid having hard, sticky, or crunchy food items that are more likely to damage your teeth. Such foods may even cause chipping or cracking within the teeth. Hence compromise the structural integrity of your natural tooth structure.  

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Thorough brushing twice daily is a must to practice optimum oral hygiene. However, the right brushing technique is much more important. While brushing, place your brush at 45-degree angulation toward your gums. Regular flossing will sweep away the deposited plaque surrounding the teeth. Consider using an antimicrobial mouthwash too. This will help in reducing bacterial load and maintaining a fresh breath althroughout the day. 

  • Avoid parafunctional habits:  Dental emergencies may occur if people use their teeth as a means to open bottles or chew or forcefully bite on ice sticks. Additionally, certain habits like bruxism (teeth grinding while sleeping) or nail biting can strain the jaw along with the jaw joint (TMJ) and increase jaw dysfunction.  

  • Wear protective gear whenever required: If you participate in contact sports that involve the risk of dental trauma or injuries to the teeth, jaws, and soft tissues of the mouth, wearing protective gear is essential. This will protect you from such injuries. Custom-fit mouthguard provides the best protection i.e. specifically designed for your mouth shape and provides optimal comfort and support. 

Dental emergencies can be painful and disrupt your daily life. By following such preventive measures you can reduce the risk of dental emergencies by several folds. Remember to schedule dental check-ups, practice proper oral hygiene, and prompt dental care for concerns. To know more about dental emergency services in Waterdown, consult our experts today.


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