The Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings in Waterdown - Magnolia Dental Waterdown

You don’t know what you’ve got until it's gone. Such is the case with teeth, or rather, with oral hygiene as a whole. Ignoring regular dental check-up and routine dental cleaning can cost you your precious smile and the capacity to eat all your favorite savory foods. The mouth is the portal of entry for all that you eat and drink. In addition, it helps you to talk, smile, and laugh. Without further adieu, let’s explore this simple yet tricky area of the importance of routine dental checkups and cleanings for you and your family.

The Key Benefits of Routine Dental Cleaning and Check-up

They say that familiarity breeds contempt; meaning that the more familiar we are with something, the more we tend to overlook its value. Brushing teeth, tongue cleaning, shedding baby teeth, and the eruption of adult teeth are such overused terms in the household that you often tend to forget that they need special attention—mainly regular visits to the dentist. 

Here are some of the benefits of regular dental check-up and routine dental cleaning:

  • Oral Hygiene

Routine dental checkups help you stay abreast of your oral health status. Be it deposits, tartar, plaque, cavities, or tissue lesions like white patches, a regular dental checkup can detect it all. Your dentist will also have the opportunity to teach you the correct technique of brushing, tongue cleaning, flossing, using mouthwash, and educating you about the correct food habits. 

  • Healthy Gums

A professional teeth cleaning done every six months is the ideal way to maintain healthy, plaque-free gums. The dentist first examines the gum status, gum bleeds, and gum infection, and then advises a thorough teeth cleaning. If the gum infection is severe, then a deep cleaning of the teeth is warranted. 

  • No Bad Breath

When your mouth is squeaky clean and your overall health status is commendable, you wake up with no bad breath. 

Brushing your teeth thoroughly at night and flossing prevents bacteria from growing in the mouth overnight. You then wake up feeling fresh. 

  • Detecting Dental Diseases at an Early Stage

When you are on time with your scheduled professional dental cleaning and dental checkups, any early onset dental issues can be detected and resolved then and there.

Cavities generally begin as a white spot lesion that eventually darkens and forms a hole in the tooth. If detected in the initial stages, the dentist may advise fluoride therapy, dental sealants, or dental bonding to control/reverse the condition.

  • Preventing Early Loss of Teeth

A grossly cavitated tooth or a mildly shaking tooth, if seen early in the regular dental check-up and routine dental cleaning, can be nipped in the bud. This prevents a probable toot extraction in the future.

With options such as root canal treatment, laser teeth cleaning, and grafting, your dentist will preserve your natural tooth.

  • Replacing Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be a real nuisance, as they affect chewing, esthetics, and the health of the remaining teeth. If tooth loss is detected during the checkup, your dentist will educate you about replacing a missing tooth. 

He may suggest options like dental implants, ceramic crowns and bridges, or dentures to rehabilitate your mouth.

  • Monitoring Growth and Tooth Eruption in Kids

In the case of children, regular visits to the dentist can not only check their oral hygiene but also analyze their growth and tooth eruption status. 

Some of the commonly used procedures for children and teens are:

  • Fluoride therapy to strengthen the enamel 

  • Dental sealants to prevent cavities

  • Appliances and retainers to harness the growth of the jaws

  • Braces or aligners for teeth straightening

  • Checking for Any Signs of Oral Cancer in The Elderly

Geriatric dentistry, or dental sciences that are tailored for senior citizens, is much more than making dentures and replacing missing teeth. In fact, periodic professional dental cleaning is essential for them to maintain good oral health. Moreover, a regular dental check-up can detect signs of dehydration, mouth dryness, tongue infections, and white patch precancerous lesions early for a quick intervention. 


If you are wondering how to find the right dentist, then worry not. Always look for accredited dentists with in-house facilities for general dental procedures like dental X-rays and professional teeth cleaning to ensure a complete checkup. With years of experience and modern technology, dental cleaning in Waterdown, ON, has and will serve its beloved neighborhood with exceptional outcomes.


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